Sunday, 24 October 2010
A random collection of photographs I have taken during the past seven weeks...

The Gerkin just after a freak hailstorm earlier today...
Lunch at The Japanese Canteen in Hoxton Square
By the time I got back the Overground was finally finished!!
Hackney Road
Ms Marmite Lover's Underground market... she who runs The Underground Restaurant, decided to have a farmers market in her garden...
Dinner at Ali's in Brixton, her new flat is gorgeous.
Victoria Station, how I missed thee
My friend Michelle, a londoner who I met in Korea came to meet me and we spent the day wandering around - visiting the Korean Culture centre on The Strand, having lunch in Wagamama's and walking through the park up to Buckingham Palace where it poured with rain. We also had several run-ins with the Piccadilly line which was horrendous, before ending up in Angel drinking cocktails. Undoubtedly there was much talk about Korea and the time thats passed since I saw Michelle in march, she climbed Everest post Korea, that was one point of conversation to say the least!
The display of Shakespeare related poetry some students created after a project I did.
View of Battersea power station from the train
My friend works in a wine shop, I love going in and taking photos of the bottles as opposed to buying the wine. This is my favouritest bottle ever. I have yet to buy the wine, next payday/bursary day!
Rainbow in West Sussex
Wandering West Sussex,
View of the Tate Modern from the end of Millenium bridge...
Ai Weiwei Sunflower seeds installation as part of The Unilever Series - unfortunately I was too late, and didn't get to walk across them - stupid british red tape...grr
Weird sky out of my window...
Despite being annoyed that The Sunday Times had the audacity to bring in a fee for online browsing, I still love it.
The fourth plinth at Trafalgar Square, much improved since those annoying people last summer!
Boris Bikes - initially I thought cool, having been around the damn things for over a month I have realised it's only actually morons with no road-sense or helmets that actually ride them. GRRR
First Leon in over 12 months, I have been going religiously once a week, well actually probably twice, Liverpool Street/Spitalfields is the new favourite however, The Strand, Carnaby Street and Oxford Street have not been neglected!
Around the corner from University...
Bunnies at Spitalfields
Kuala Lumpur and the road home...
My flight from Seoul to London was via Kuala Lumpur and I got to spend a staggering 18 hours in transit!! After landing at around 430pm, I went through customs, (mainly to get a stamp), checked in my excessive amounts of hand luggage and duty free and despite being exhausted took the KLIA express train into the centre of town. At Seoul airport, I had met a fabulous turbaned gentleman who had given me some great ideas of where to head, however as one could have guessed as soon as I ended up in the main train station, surrounded by busy malaysians and confronted by a host of ticket machines that had somewhat of a vendetta against me, i nearly burst into tears and went back to the aiport, instead i bit my lip, begged for help and reduced the original plan to a trip to one of KL's major malls, right under the Petronas Towers, which in all honesty were the main thing I wanted to see. I squashed myself onto a very crowded subway train, eventually ending up in the giant mall. I tried to get up to the top of the towers, but alas the previous 30 minute meltdown meant they were now closed until the next morning. Instead I attempted some photographs, chugged on some Malaysian cigarettes and wandered around a huge mall, for approximately 5 hours. What's more amazing was that I didn't go crazy with the shopping, but that was more to do with the fact I had so much crap already, that I couldn't really carry much more as handluggage, they did have a rather big TopShop, the first I had seen since February during my trip to Tokyo, I fell i love with a beautiful top that I have since tried to track down in the UK and failed miserable, it was white, cotton and lace stripes, gorgeous so if anyone sees it please tell me! After twenty million different stores, I found a restaurant to crash in, and crash I nearly did, almost falling asleep whilst I ate some kind of curried fish? It was around 11pm when I gave up and got a cab back to the airport and not wanting to spend the night on a bench, I took the 'luxurious' option of checking myself into the in terminal transit hotel, best decision ever. By the time I hit the mattress I was starting to feel rather horrendous, with a major headache and aching joints. I passed out for 6 hours (all I was allowed) had a shower and went off to kill the further 3/4 hours I had before my flight took off. I eventually boarded the joyous 13 hours flight to London at around 915am... a window seat next to two fabulous people, who were obviously partial to a bit of cake, and found myself somewhat wedged into my seat. WORST FLIGHT EVER! The woman next to me also had some issues with her leg, and was unable to move out of her chair, for me to use the bathroom, which during a 13 hour flight was neccessary on more than one occasion, meaning that I had to literally use gymnastic skills to leap across her! It probably wont surprise anyone that I sucombed to drinking several glasses of red wine during the flight to keep me sane. I was very excited when I caught sight of a London bus below me, and we eventually landed, a fantastic 90 minutes early!
Me and my co-teacher, Jenny Teacher!
The plane from Seoul to Kuala Lumpur
Waiting at the gate, the same gate I was at for my trip to Vietnam a month earlier!
Kimchi on the plane! I was a good Korean and ate it all
Possibly India - I actually have no idea...I just remember getting snap happy when I flew over India.
Exhausted on the KLIA express
First glimpse of KL city
KL city from the train
Too close to take a decent photo of the Petronas Towers in daylight!
Random malaysian food - chicken curry with noodles...
The Petronas Towers at night... stunning!
Plane from KL to London.
Nearly in England!
And we have landed... back on English soil/concrete tarmac, for the first time in 369 days!
Half term holidays!!
So I arrived back in the UK 7 weeks ago and have barely had time to breathe. The PGCE has taken over my life, I am sleeping, eating, breathing and socialising in relation to teaching English for secondary pupils... however it's now officially half term and I have a few hours to kill, in which I am supposed to be packing, before a head off on a 4 day holiday to Ibiza to meet my lovely friend Sarah, who is out there on a longer holiday with her family. As much as I love being back in the UK and in London, I need a breather and a chilled out few days lounging on a beach on the White Isle is just what the doctor ordered! I will of course be taking my camera and attempting to get some classic artistic tourist shots(?) wherever possible, however the main agenda will be a. A tan, b. much needed relaxation and c. unfortunately a rather large amount of planning. It maybe halfterm, however on Monday my first schools placement begins and I have lessons to prepare for, but more of that later. For now I shall commence my entry back into the blogging world with some beautiful, imaged based entries of what the feck has been going on!
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