Anyhow, that's enough of a tangent, one of the things I need to do for my PGCE is catch up on my reading and read all the books that are demmed 'essential' that I managed to miss out on at school, I started before I came to Korea and am having to continue whilst I am here, so far the only book I wish I had studied at school has been Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird. Thus as well as my 'normal diet, a sporadic mix that has recently contained Wally Lamb, William Fiennes, Richard Milward and umm Stephenie Meyer... I am also getting involved with the likes of Steinbeck, Sallinger et al. My biggest battle however is with Jane Austen.
It's somewhat embarrasing to say I have never managed to read a single Austen novel, I have tried but it just hasn't happened. However in my interview for London Met I admitted such in my interview and said one of my goals before starting my PGCE was to catch up on this and rectify my lack of Austen, a few weeks ago I ordered the complete novels. It arrived and has been used to prop open my door ever since. This afternoon i was spurred on after watching 'The Jane Austen Bookclub' on TV I managed to read the first chapter of Emma before deciding i really needed to update my blog... Blog updated I am returning to Emma.
This blog will now include not only updates on Korea but also my battle with the darling Jane.
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