It was third time lucky when we went to visit the Seodaemun Prison on the first day of our Winter break, Wednesday the 29th... we had attempted to go twice before but for various reasons failed miserably, so on a freezing cold snowy day we went to discover a little about Korea's fairly bleak history! Seodaemun prison was built by the Japanese during their occupation of Korea during the Korean War, it is complete with some rather disturbing montage's of how prisoners were treated by the Japanese and full deatails of all the methods of torture, many of the people imprisoned in Seodaemun were Korean Patriots, fighting for Independence, those strongly against the Japanese occupation. The Prison itself is a huge complex of building's now used as somewhat of an education/history hall to fully depict what happened in Korea in the not so distant past.

You were able to go in the cell's and 'feel' the experience, I did, it wasn't a joyful moment...
Like I said, they have created pretty graphic montage's of scenes of torture, the Japanese don't come out that great... probably because they weren't very nice, to prisoners of war... or just any prisoners in general anywhere, ever...

So, after the bodies were tortured they were then disposed of in the below building and the dead were wheeled out the back door...
The obligatory picture of me in the prison, totally and utterley freezing.......
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